The Heritage Shorthorn Society is a breed organization dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of true Shorthorns that have maintained their genetic purity going back to the Shorthorn Herdbook of 1822. Heritage Shorthorns are increasing in popularity because of their usefulness, versatility, and calm nature. They can maximize heterosis in any breeding operation or be the milk cow on a small farm.
There is a wealth of information on the history of the breed on the Heritage Shorthorn Website including:
To increase the visibility and utilization of Heritage Shorthorns in the cattle industry it is paramount to have a Registry that is focused both on preserving Heritage genetics, and on the utilization of Heritage genetics within modern Shorthorns (Heritage Influenced). From its inception, HSS has been encouraged by Heritage breeders to start a registry for Heritage Shorthorns. The Heritage Shorthorn Society Registry (HHS Registry) is designed to provide members with an efficient, economical, and practical way to register their Heritage and Heritage Influenced Shorthorn cattle.